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Atletismo Jaco Extremo

Atletismo Jaco Extremo

Les compartimos el Stand Cardio Sport y La Maison en la competencia de Atletismo Jaco Extremo. Linda experiencia, y linda oportunidad de brindar información. Una carrera dura por el calor pero muy única al correr 3 km por la playa. Promovemos la Salud, el vernos y sentirnos bien. Todas las metas se pueden cumplir, solo lo tienes que querer realmente y actuar.

Extreme Jaco race

Extreme Jaco race

This was the Cardio Sport and La Maison stand in the Jaco Extreme Athletics competition. It was a great experience, and nice opportunity to provide information. It was a tough race due to the heat but is was a very unique experience since we ran 3 km on the beach. We promote health, and to see and feel good. All goals can be met, you just have to really want and act.